Danilo Popović, President of YATA Montenegro
In an interview with Danilo Popović, president of the Atlantic Alliance of Montenegro’s youth organization – YATA Montenegro, we touched on the key issues concerning young people’s engagement in international security, defense, and diplomacy. Danilo spoke about the challenges faced by young leaders in Montenegro, the importance of Euro-Atlantic values, and the role that YATA Montenegro plays in connecting young people more closely with the international community. Popović particularly emphasized the need for young people to be more actively involved in creating social changes and critical reflection in the era of political populism.

Danilo, your organization aims to shape an informed, engaged, and capable generation of young leaders ready to face contemporary challenges in international security, defense, and diplomacy. What activities do you carry out to achieve that goal?
The Youth Organization of the Atlantic Alliance of Montenegro – YATA Montenegro is dedicated to fostering collaboration with the Atlantic Alliance of Montenegro as an overarching body committed to embracing and advancing Euro-Atlantic principles, particularly individual liberties, democracy, and the rule of law. In this context, we curate a wide array of engagements ranging from conventional formats like panel discussions, conferences, and symposiums to more unconventional gatherings such as meetings and receptions. These occasions provide a platform to engage with emerging talent, interact with resident ambassadors in Montenegro, and establish connections with peers from across Europe and America. There is too much to fit into these few lines. Of course, as an integral part of it, we support the Atlantic Alliance of Montenegro in organizing traditional activities such as the recently held To Be Secure Forum in Budva.
YATA Montenegro is an integral part of a global network of organizations that uphold the values of Western and European heritage. How does the interaction with the international community affect YATA Montenegro’s work and projects?
An organization that upholds Euro-Atlantic values naturally falls under the purview of relevant international organizations. A young person today must not be isolated. Therefore, YATA Montenegro is dedicated to fostering connections among young people, providing them with the opportunity to engage with their peers from Europe, the USA, and around the globe. The organization aims to introduce youth to the values and lifestyles prevalent in democratic societies, offering them exposure to diverse experiences and fostering meaningful networking opportunities. Understanding how a well-established community operates is crucial for determining what aspects are relevant and beneficial for the youth in Montenegro. How can I know what’s good for me if I don’t know everything that exists if I haven’t even felt anything else, nothing new? Often, you only find the answers or at least some guidance to these crucial questions when you observe how things work in other places.
Montenegro has been a member of the NATO alliance for seven years. However, in your opinion, to what extent does Montenegrin society consider an issue like international security relevant to young people? How can your organization, as a group of young people, contribute to enhancing the protection of the national and transatlantic community?
Regrettably, despite seven years of NATO membership, Montenegrin society still finds itself trapped in an anachronistic state, entangled by myths, entrenched traditional values, and conservative beliefs. One gets the impression that during all that time, the Montenegrin political elite only declaratively promoted Western values and did not think about young people. Unfortunately, that hardly resonated with the younger generation and will not resonate until the younger generation experiences the consequences of this arrogant neglect. When they do, they’ll send a clear message to the environment that they will not tolerate the disregard any longer. However, young individuals need to recognize the level of responsibility that comes with such a decision. Change is not something that should be passively anticipated; it must be actively pursued, embraced, and upheld as a lofty ambition, a cherished value, and an ideal worth striving for.
YATA Montenegro contributes to security by developing strong, informed, and engaged young individuals, as defined by our goal. A young person of excellent capability and aspiration who values democracy and believes in institutions that prioritize the interests of the citizens over those of the party is discerning, resistant to manipulation, and refuses to be tokenized. In an era marked by political populism, demagoguery, and shallow media coverage driven by, often insincere and manipulative, motives, it is crucial to cultivate critical awareness. Equally important is to seek a community that aligns with the ideals of democracy, freedom, mutual respect, and selflessness.

In Montenegro, in the last fifteen years, dozens of youth organizations in the civil sector have been founded. To what extent is there creative and driving energy among young people in Montenegro today? Are young people the bearers of change in our country?
I do not doubt for a second that every youth organization (although this does not apply to every organization in the civil sector) is established with honorable and noble goals. However, we must understand that it is difficult to maintain focus in a world of instant gratification and an economy that fights for attention. Therefore, it seems that youth’s energy is wasted and lost in a sea of similar initiatives with little to no progress. Conversely, the ceaseless pursuit of quick financial gain and grants has fostered an atmosphere where the nonprofit sector appears to conflict with itself, fostering competition and rivalry rather than collaboration. Businesses are competing for a share of the economic market; political parties are vying for votes, while the civil sector is in an unsustainable limbo, hoping to survive until the next call for grants or the next engagement in working groups. Young people no longer have the incentive to join forces. Hence the sluggishness in creating social changes. When the train moves forward, the locomotive accelerates greatly before the last cars even flinch. The civil sector, especially the youth sector, needs an apparent structural clustering by areas of their interest. I would feel presumptuous if I attempted to define those realms in isolation, as that responsibility falls to the youth community. However, by organizing ourselves effectively, learning together, making progress, fostering development, and ultimately taking action, we can bring about significant change that the younger generation truly deserves. It’s essential for young people to recognize that the responsibility rests on their shoulders.
What is the cooperation of YATA Montenegro with Montenegrin youth organizations, the non-governmental sector, and state institutions?
It is our interest and goal to establish the best possible cooperation with the non-governmental sector and student organizations. Students from all universities in Montenegro participate in the activities we organize. I believe that this is just the beginning of our collaboration. We should strive to enhance our partnership through joint programs and initiatives that will bring our young people closer to our organization’s activities and goals. It’s crucial that they embrace these objectives as their own. Montenegrin universities play a vital role in promoting European and transatlantic values, as they are where the future intellectual, academic, business and cultural community is nurtured. Unfortunately, it seems that state institutions have shown little interest in the projects we are implementing. Their engagement with the young population in Montenegro appears to be minimal, except for their involvement through political youth organizations and mobilizing young voters during elections. This would not be reprehensible if their concern for young people were also reflected in other fields and if the issues of importance for young people were actually brought up to date. However, time is, they say, a masterful sieve, so I hope that it will prove that the young do not always have the patience to be at the bottom of the priority list of party elites. I sincerely believe that YATA Montenegro will support them in this manner.